List of past simple irregulars

1.-Awoke (es va despertar)
2.-Became (es va convertir en)
3.-Blew (va bufar)
4.-Brought (va portar)
5.-Went (va ser) 
6.-Read (va llegir)
7.-Spoke (va parlar)
8.-Wrote (va escriure)
9.-Ran (va córrer)
10.-Quit (va sortir)      

Write about what you did yesterday, or last weekend.

Last week was the birthday of my father. Before lunch was playing a game of basketball, we won. As was my father's birthday we did a lunch with your friends

Describe the ugliest person you know.

The person was so ugly:
-He had green hair
-He had brown eyes
-He had a nose`s witch
-He was very tall and thin
-It was quite nice 

Write 10 sentences using the present simple and the frequency adverbs.

  • My brother never plays basketball
  • I always play basketball on saturdays
  • That boy sometimes sings
  • He always sings the same song
  • She usually plays on the computer
  • I sometimes play football in the street.
  • Barça always wins
  • I eat carrots every day
  • Every summer I go to Colera
  • Never snows in summer

List sentences present continuous

I'm looking a basquetball match in Castelló.
Pol is eating pizza.
I'm writing in my english blog
Bruno Mars is singing at Spotify
Someone is swimming in the sea.
Today is raining
I'm listening music in my ipod
My mother is talking with her frend
I'm playing football
My father is working with the computer.

Past simple irregulars

Two years ago I flew to Amsterdam
Yesterday my cousin came to play.
Last week I ate macherroni
Last year I bougt a basket shoes with my name
Last month I learnt sailing
Last monday my teacher taught me flute
Last summer I swam in the sea
Last weekend I rode with my friends
Yesterday I saw the Barça
Yestarday I bade a pen drive to my friend
Last week I sent a letter to my oncle.